There's been many issues like this before, but now its my turn. My friend quit today, and offered me his whole cash. i didn't want to RuneScape gold accept it, but I was forced to. Anyways, I have a budget of 43M. What armour should I purchase? Please include gloves, boots and even a gun in case. Explain how effective this is above, how much more than my budget (Use berserker ring and dfs in the package) and then suggest any other things I can change.
Okay, I'll apply the setup i said on the first blog post, however, I'll attempt to acquire barrows' gloves and a Berserker. Next question: what armor should I get to fight bandos? I'd also suggest borrowing claws for your journeys. Also, you can get a fighter torso and make use of your BCP money to buy claws. V helm is only intended for solo'ing and tanking.
Don't believe the rumors about Ktop also, you said you're in 5-6 man teams So that's a 1/3 chance of the magic minion hitting you. Just don't mess with the ktop. The strength of the bandos is much more important. Also, I'm not sure of your prayer/herb levels. At a minimum, piety is essential. If you're at least 70 herb, you'll probably be able to get 88'ish herblore with 40M. Extremes+6? is it from bandos.
He has 60 prayer along with 48 herbal rites. It would cost 6.9mil for 70 prayers using Ecto/ashes, or 13mil for dbones/altar. The process took only a couple of minutes with me using ecto, but with an ashes. I could achieve about 70k/hr, but I didn't have any quick cuts because you don't need grind the bones. I'm unsure of how much xp/hr you get with dbones/altar however, it is believed to be faster so I would suggest that you buy it.
Is there anyone willing to key larges for me while I take a liao? The deal is this: I was supposed to make 20 kills while fighting caves to gain access to a massive dungeon by Benn0. Would anyone want to do this with me? I'm open to buy runescape 3 gold doing something similar to this if anyone is interested perhaps duel quits or something?